Qualifications for Psychological Work

I am a psychologist with extensive training in systemic therapy and over 10 years of experience in working with clients in various contexts.

I completed my Masters in psychology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, in 2007, and I did my PhD at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw, Poland, in 2019.

My training in psychotherapy included basic (130h) and advanced (168h) training in systemic therapy (qualifications for individual, couples, family, and group therapy) at Wielkopolskie Towarzystwo Terapii Systemowej (which is a systemic therapy association). As a part of this training, I took part in self-development workshops in a group format and individual therapy sessions. I also completed additional courses in parental coaching and systemic therapy for children and adolescents.

I have gained professional experience by working with institutions offering various forms of psychological help. I did a several month long volunteer internship at a psychiatric ward for children and adolescents at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Poznan University of Medical Sciences. I worked in the field of social care at the Stowarzyszenie Pogotowie Społeczne (eng. Social Emergency Association). I was a psychologist at a center for children with motor and/or mental disabilities in Koscian, Poland. I also was a part of the professional team at specialized support center for victims of domestic violence managed by Miejskie Centrum Interwencji Kryzysowej in Poznan, Poland (eng. Municipal Center for Crisis Intervention). I worked as a school counsellor. For many years I collaborated with mental health outpatient clinics in Poznan, e.g. NSZOZ Termedica and worked with families in my own private practice. Currently I volunteer with the international organization Women In Data as a mentor and coach.

In my work with clients, I am inspired not only by systemic and postmodern therapists, like Harry Goolishian and Harlene Andreson but all of those who embraced deeply humanistic approach to the process of change – Carl Rogers, Irvin Yalom, Virginia Satir, Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg, John and Julie Gottman – just to mention a few among many, who are able to influence lives in extraordinary ways.

I always do my best to acknowledge the broader context of who we are (both, the client and myself). To be aware of the meaning of social interactions, opportunities and pressures we experience, challenges we face – as unique individuals, but also as members of families, communities, and societies. Our lives are embedded in a web of connections with nature, our own bodies, emotions, thoughts and ideas, material things, dozens of activities, and hundreds of people. I see looking for the nurturing connections, as important in my meetings with clients, as they can help them “grow, […] undiverted, toward self-realization”.